Kylie Wright
Hello everybody! Sorry I haven’t written since the first day, just wanted to update you that I am still alive. I am having a fantastic time here!! I love Nicaragua and I’m considering not coming home. I might come home to get some fresh clothes and say my goodbyes and stuff but I’m pretty content here. Haha just kidding don’t worry mom, I’ll be back :). I have absolutely fallen deeply in love with the people and the communities here. On my AT site we have been building water filters for the communities and yesterday we were able to deliver our first one that we personally built to a family. Yes mom it is reminds me so much of dads projects haha. The water that the people are drinking here is full of this bacteria called Ecoli that is making the communities horribly sick. It was just such an incredible blessing to be able to see how something that I made is going to affect the entire community for years to come. I have loved every single moment I’ve had here and I’m so incredibly grateful for this opportunity. Although it will hurt so much to leave, I am so excited to be able to come home and share my experiences with anyone who will listen. I can honestly say that I am a changed person due to this trip and I am so excited for what I can accomplish with my new perspective on life. I miss everyone so much and cant wait to see you! I probably will not be writing again so I’ll see you on Saturday! :)
P.S. mom and dad- I’m bringing a bunch of Nicaraguan children and my pet pig Oliver back with me, hope you don’t mind. Also I am replacing all of the beds and couches in the house with hammocks. Trust me, you’ll thank me later :)
Hey I want a hammock too! :)
ReplyDeleteI thought I commented! Miss you, so glad to read your post! see ya tomorrow night! Pigs are know how much I love animals.......
ReplyDeleteoooo hammock, children, and a PIG? YES YES YES! Bring them all! I am SO excited for you! I miss you tons and I want to hear a play-by-play! (like the minute you get back! :)) but seriously... LOVE YOU!!
ReplyDelete-Megan :)