Spanish users: translate here!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

We are home!

I am happy to report everyone is home safe and soundly! Thank you to everyone who supported us finically and in prayer, we could not have done this without you! We were happy to bless those in Nicaragua and we were certainly blessed as well. We love you all and will be eternally grateful for the opportunity to go on this trip.

~Nicaragua team 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014

photos for you while we have limited internet!

Link to photos from SI International Staff!!! :)


Lauren Shelburne
Hi everybody!
Today was our last day working at our ministry sites! It is really sad to be done serving at our sites, but I am excited for our excursion tomorrow. I have spent the week working in micro finance. We host meetings for woman in the community who want to learn new skills to start businesses to support themselves. We started the day by learning how to make hammocks from one of the ladies from the group and finishing a Frozen piƱata.  Then we traveled to one of the poorest areas of Nicaragua called Valle Del Volcan. It is a piece of land next to the dump that the government gave to the poor so they have a place to live. It is crazy to see the conditions that these people live in, yet how happy they remain. 
We started the meeting by passing balloons around like “hot potato” and answering the questions that were on them when the music stopped. Megan led a devotion that was then translated for the ladies by our site leader. Next, we led the ladies in an Easter craft.  We helped them fill their Easter egg with different items that signified different aspects of the resurrection. All day we were able to play with kids and hold babies. One little boy who I got to hang out with the day before when I was taking pictures withe the medical site and boys club, followed me around all day. All he wanted was another balloon even though we had given him around 20 the day before. It is really windy here and there is barb wire everywhere which caused the demise of many balloons. There was a little baby named Javier who we all took turns holding. Unfortunately, I was the last to hold him, and the girl he choose to pee on haha. Luckily we are able to wash our clothes here!
I’ve loved being able to take photos of the people of Nicaragua and it is making me think about becoming a professional photographer, traveling around the world and photographing different cultures. The base has been amazing the kitchen staff go out of their way for every meal to make sure that there is food for me that doesn’t contain stuff I’m allergic to. Leading worship with Jackie, Ginsyn, and Taylor has also been fun :) I love and miss all of you! Only two more days till we are home!

Lauren :)

P.S. I accidentally started typing in Spanish! I have gotten to use my Spanish a lot and have learned many more words. People are using me as their translator and I love being able to communicate with the kids!


Stephen Doerbecker 
Hope you all are doing well and are preparing yourselves to hear the exciting and encouraging news your sons and daughters have to say. I have been beyond blessed to be on this trip with your children. Each and every single one of them have encouraged me and strengthened me beyond words. Today we took a hike and it was literal death. Once we hiked to the top it was so beautiful and the devotion on the waterfall was so special. Today was also the last day with the kids and it was super sad, but made me want to come back to see them. I was able to give my Bible to a kid who spoke english and wants to be a site leader and a translator. I hope it blesses him and helps him in his walk with God. This entire trip has been amazing and such an incredible blessing and I don't want to go home (sorry mom). God has defiantly worked through your kids and I and i cant wait to get home and tell everyone and anyone who wants to listen. Today was crazy to think that it will be a few years before i see these people again (yes i am coming back) and I will always be praying for them. Thank you all for your prayers and we will all be home shortly. Dios le Bendiga! 

- Stephen Doerbecker 


Jackie Stone
Hello my friends and family! So update, I have been able to throw a baby shower, played with some beautifully happy kids, and I actually got the opportunity to work in the Education site! Yesterday (wednesday) I went with Miss D, the teacher, and a translator. It was so much fun! We went and visited some homes in the morning and talked to some families and prayed with them. Then we went to the offices and organized all of the donations we brought for the site. And then finally, we went to the school! I got to be “Professora Jackie” or “Teacher Jackie”! They were so cute and energetic! I loved teaching them and helping them with their work! and I also got to practice my spanish by reading a Bible story in espanol! It was so fun! Today was our last day and we visited a woman who already has 3 daughters and 1 on the way (her due date was today!). She was so kind and beautiful, she just really wanted to get the baby out and love her! This afternoon, we had a meeting with about 15 little girls! We face painted and made balloons. It was so fun and these kids love seeing us and playing with us! I am so glad I got to come on this trip and I can’t wait to tell you all the stories I’ve heard! Love you all and see you soon! :)

ps: I did so well, in regards to bug bites, until last night! When we went to dinner in the community, we sat outside and I got bit (the size of a quarter!!!) and since then, I’ve gotten 2 more! Anyways, pray for a safe 2 days more and pray that my legs don’t kill me with itchiness! 
Love you!! 
-Jackie Stone


Kylie Wright
Hello everybody! Sorry I haven’t written since the first day, just wanted to update you that I am still alive. I am having a fantastic time here!! I love Nicaragua and I’m considering not coming home. I might come home to get some fresh clothes and say my goodbyes and stuff but I’m pretty content here. Haha just kidding don’t worry mom, I’ll be back :). I have absolutely fallen deeply in love with the people and the communities here. On my AT site we have been building water filters for the communities and yesterday we were able to deliver our first one that we personally built to a family. Yes mom it is reminds me so much of dads projects haha. The water that the people are drinking here is full of this bacteria called Ecoli that is making the communities horribly sick. It was just such an incredible blessing to be able to see how something that I made is going to affect the entire community for years to come. I have loved every single moment I’ve had here and I’m so incredibly grateful for this opportunity. Although it will hurt so much to leave, I am so excited to be able to come home and share my experiences with anyone who will listen. I can honestly say that I am a changed person due to this trip and I am so excited for what I can accomplish with my new perspective on life. I miss everyone so much and cant wait to see you! I probably will not be writing again so I’ll see you on Saturday! :)
P.S. mom and dad- I’m bringing a bunch of Nicaraguan children and my pet pig Oliver back with me, hope you don’t mind. Also I am replacing all of the beds and couches in the house with hammocks. Trust me, you’ll thank me later :) 



Megan Casillas
Hola ma famila, 
Just kidding. I still don’t know any spanish. Anyways I miss you all but I don’t want to leave Nicaragua so don’t be surprised if Im not on the plane home. I could stay here for months and months. The past two days have been so incredible..we’ve had the opportunity to go on a lot of house visits which has been so neat. We get to go into peoples homes and they're so gracious and happy to see us. On one visit today we met a lady who makes hammocks and we got to try and make our own. I also got to hold a two week old baby who was so precious. The people here are in need of so many things yet they are so content with what they have. We’re all really exhausted and functioning on very little sleep so prayers that we power through the next two days would be great. Tomorrow we are hiking a volcano and shopping in the market. We’re also going out to eat at a restaurant to have our last dinner with our site leaders. Our site leaders are the most amazing people and they're all going through difficult things so if you keep them in your prayers that would be awesome. Love you guys so much! 

P.S. I apologize for spelling and grammar errors Im really sleepy right now. 
